
Absolute Carnage Complete Reading Order with Checklist

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Absolute Carnage is a crossover event that every fan was waiting for. Cletus Kasady is back and he’s lethal than he’s ever been before. He is a literal god now. Today I am gonna share with your guys the best reading order for the Absolute Carnage event. But before that here’s a little bit of info about this event first:

Carnage is back and he is on a murderous run to kill every character who ever wore a symbiote. Even going back to when Peter Parker first found the black suit to the events of Maximum Carnage to Venomized to everywhere.

While I already shared the general reading order in this Marvel fresh start storyline guide. But this event has roots back to the ‘2000s and that makes it hard to follow. So I’m here with this in-depth guide to explain every story you need to read.

But the question arises: Will not reading them will spoil your experience of this event or not? That’s what I’m gonna answer Today with this guide.

Prelude/Road to Absolute Carnage

As I already said and gave general synopsis for this storyline: It revolves around the Marvel characters who came in contact with a symbiote in any way or at any point.

Hence this story will feature references to past stories even including Venom. So these are some of the storylines you should read. You can also call them a road to Absolute carnage:

1. 2000’s Carnage

'2000s carnage reading order

You have to read the Carnage storyline from back in the ‘2000s. But a little bit of info before that:

Death always followed Carnage in both ’90s and ‘2000s. As in the ’90s, it was the death of innocents and in the ‘2000s, it was none other than savage symbiote himself.

There are a lot of appearances of symbiotes, but obviously, you can’t read all of them. So here I will share with you the top four stories that are referenced a lot of times in Absolute Carnage.

Carnage U.S.A. is majorly focused on him as the name suggests, while in both the Breakout and Venomized he is kinda in the supporting role. So here is the list of those 4 stories:

You can buy and collect the following comics from Amazon available in paperback, digital. Some might be available in trade paperback, hardcover.

For reading digital comics, I have written an article about the best tablets you can buy for reading purposes. That’ll solve your every reading problem, no matter you want to read pdf, graphic novel, or anything. Make sure to check that out.

  1. Carnage U.S.A.

    Collects: Carnage U.S.A. #1-5 issue.
    Where to Read: Check it out on Amazon
  2. Venomized

    Collects: Venomized #1-5 issue.
    Where to Read: Check it out on Amazon
  3. Spider-Man: The Many Hosts of Carnage

    Collects: Amazing Spider-Man (1963) #361, #410, #431; Spider-Man (1990) #67; Spectacular Spider-Man (1976) #233; Carnage (2010) #3; Carnage USA #1-5; Superior Carnage #3-5, Annual #1; Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #798-800
    Where to Read: Available on Amazon

Note: As the third one already collects Carnage USA #1-5, you don’t need to buy Carnage USA separately. So please pay close attention to collected editions.

Related: Reading order of War of the Realms event

2. Venom Storylines

venom storylines

These are the following storylines of Venom you should at least read in order to get the references in the Absolute Carnage.

Even though carnage isn’t in these storylines, these are a must-read. This entire 2018 Venom series is a build to Absolute Carnage or Marvel Fresh Start as a whole.

You need to collect the following editions and read them in order as stated below:

  1. Venom by Donny Cates Vol. 1

    Collects: Venom (2018) #1-6
    Where to Read: Venom Vol. 1: Rex from Amazon

    Reading order:

    a). Venom #1-5
    b). Web Of Venom: Ve’Nam #1
    c). Venom Annual #1
  2. Venom Vol. 2

    Collects: Venom (2018) #7-12
    Where to Read: Venom Vol.2: The Abyss from Amazon

    Reading order:

    a). Venom #6-8
    b). Web Of Venom: Carnage Born #1
    c). Venom #9
    d). Web Of Venom: Unleashed #1
    e). Venom #10 to #12
    f). Web of Venom: Cult of Carnage #1
    g). Free Comic Book Day (2019): Spider-Man
    h). Venom #16
    i). Web of Venom: Funeral Pyre #1

Related: House of X/Powers of X reading order

Absolute Carnage Reading order

Now since we have covered the road, storylines leading up to this event. Here we start with the reading order of the Absolute Carnage event:

absolute carnage #1 cover
Absolute Carnage #1 Cover

First I would recommend you to collect the following editions of comics as later It will be hectic for you to follow around. Or first, just understand what editions you have to collect:

  1. Absolute Carnage

    Collects: Absolute Carnage #1-5
    Where to Read: Available on Amazon
  2. Absolute Carnage Miles Morales:

    Collects: Absolute Carnage: Miles Morales (2019) #1-3, Absolute Carnage: Weapon Plus (2019) #1
    Where to Read: Check it out on Amazon
  3. Absolute Carnage: Immortal Hulk and Other Tales

    Collects: Absolute Carnage: Immortal Hulk (2019) #1, Absolute Carnage: Symbiote Spider-Man (2019) #1, Absolute Carnage: Symbiote of Vengeance (2019) #1, stinger pages from Symbiote Spider-Man (2019) #3, Immortal Hulk (2018) #20.
    Where to Read: Available on Amazon
  4. Amazing Spider-Man: Absolute Carnage

    Collects: AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (2018) #29-34
    Where to Read: Buy now from Amazon
  5. Absolute Carnage vs Deadpool

    Collects: Absolute Carnage Vs. Deadpool (2019) #1-3, Absolute Carnage: Captain Marvel (2019) #1, Ravencroft stinger pages from Captain Marvel (2019) #8, Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #24, Deadpool (2018) #14, Black Cat (2019) #2
    Where to Read: Check it out on Amazon
  6. Absolute Carnage: Scream

    Collects: Absolute Carnage: Scream (2019) #1-3, Absolute Carnage: Separation Anxiety (2019) #1
    Where to Read: Available on Amazon
  7. Absolute Carnage: Lethal Protectors

    Collects: Absolute Carnage: Lethal Protectors (2019) #1-#3, Absolute Carnage: Avengers (2019) #1, stinger pages from Invaders (2019) #7, Avengers (2018) #22, Fantastic Four (2018) #11, Venom (2018) #15
    Where to Read: Buy now from Amazon
  8. Venom: Absolute Carnage

    Collects: Venom (2018) #16-19, Web of Venom: Funeral Pyre #1
    Where to Read: Check it out on Amazon

Here is the perfect reading order for Absolute Carnage:

  1. Absolute Carnage #1
  2. Absolute Carnage: Weapon Plus #1
  3. Absolute Carnage: Ghost Rider #1
  4. Absolute Carnage: Symbiote Spider-Man #1
  5. Absolute Carnage: Scream #1-3
  6. Absolute Carnage: Separation Anxiety #1
  7. Absolute Carnage vs. Deadpool #1-3
  8. Venom #17
  9. Absolute Carnage #2
  10. Absolute Carnage: Miles Morales #1-2
  11. Absolute Carnage: Lethal Protectors #1-3
  12. Absolute Carnage: Avengers #1
  13. Venom #18-19
  14. Absolute Carnage #3
  15. Absolute Carnage: Miles Morales #3
  16. Absolute Carnage: Immortal Hulk #1
  17. Absolute Carnage #4
  18. Absolute Carnage: Captain Marvel #1
  19. The Amazing Spider-Man #30-31
  20. Absolute Carnage #5
  21. Venom #20

So this was the perfect reading order for this event. But wait some of these editions aren’t actually in the Absolute Carnage event directly and are rather called tie-ins.

So if you don’t have much time to read all of them, You can head over to the next section to see the checklist I have made.

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Checklist for Absolute Carnage

Here I have divided the issues into 3 sections: 1. Must read, 2. You can give it a try- this section is only for Hardcore fans, and 3. It’s up to you- this section contains issues I wouldn’t recommend but it’s up to you.

Must Read:

These are the issue which you definitely shouldn’t miss

  1. Absolute Carnage #1
  2. Absolute Carnage: Scream #1
  3. Absolute Carnage: Scream #2
  4. Absolute Carnage: Scream #3
  5. Absolute Carnage #2
  6. Absolute Carnage: Miles Morales #1
  7. Absolute Carnage: Miles Morales #2
  8. Venom #17
  9. Absolute Carnage: Lethal Protectors #2
  10. Absolute Carnage vs. Deadpool #2
  11. Venom #18
  12. Absolute Carnage #3
  13. Absolute Carnage: Immortal Hulk #1
  14. Venom #19
  15. Absolute Carnage: Miles Morales #3
  16. Absolute Carnage #5

Give these issues a Try

These issues are the ones that only hardcore fans should read. You’ll get what I’m saying just read the below list:

  1. Absolute Carnage: Symbiote Spider-Man #1

    As I said these are for hardcore fans, so I’d recommend it only if you are a huge fan of Spectacular Spider-Man #99 to #100!
  2. Absolute Carnage: Ghost Rider – Symbiote of Vengeance #1

    Must read for Ghost Rider fans only!
  3. Absolute Carnage: Separation Anxiety #1

    This issue becomes a must-read but only for superfans of the symbiote.
  4. Absolute Carnage vs. Deadpool #1

    Deadpool fans must read this, others can skip. Though it does have some aftermath details of Absolute Carnage #1.
  5. Absolute Carnage vs. Deadpool #3
  6. Absolute Carnage #4
  7. Amazing Spider-Man #30
  8. Amazing Spider-Man #31
  9. Absolute Carnage: Captain Marvel #1

You Decide

This section has issues that are mainly inessential but if you’d like to read you’re more than welcome to do that:

  1. Absolute Carnage: Weapon Plus #1

    This issue is definitely not essential for the main storyline but you can give it a shot as this story is really good. But then again as I said the final decision is up to you.
  2. Absolute Carnage Lethal Protectors #1
  3. Absolute Carnage vs. Deadpool #3

    If you’ve enjoyed Carnage vs. Deadpool storyline then yes go ahead with this, as this features a team-up between Spider-Man and Deadpool.
  4. Absolute Carnage: Avengers #1
  5. Absolute Carnage Lethal Protectors #3

Checkout: Complete Reading Order of Spider-Verse

The aftermath of Absolute Carnage

Ravencroft #1 Cover
Ravencroft #1 Cover

These issues or story shows the aftermath of what happened in this major crossover event. While these storylines might influence what comes after next but it’s up to whether you wanna give them a shot or not.

Here is the reading order for Absolute Aftermath:

  1. Ruins of Ravencroft: Carnage #1
  2. Ruins of Ravencroft: Sabertooth #1
  3. Ruins of Ravencroft: Dracula #1
  4. Ruins of Ravencroft #1-5
  5. Web of Venom: The Good Son #1
  6. Scream: Curse of Carnage #1-
  7. Venom #21-

So, guys, this was the complete guide and checklist for Absolute Carnage. Hope you find this helpful. If you have any queries or doubt feel free to ask them in the comment section below.